Week 4 -Redrawing enemies

For this week I’ve been asked to change our enemy fish in our game.


The first enemy (above) was made by a guy named Axel in our group. This enemy does not do much it just swims straight forward and if it hits you your character dies. But, we got some feedback that it looked too friendly and you felt bad for killing it. Axel was asked to draw something else this week so I was tasked with making the enemy look a bit more evil-looking. To do that I simply made him look angry and gave him some red eyes in Photoshop. I did not have access to the Photoshop file so it was a little bit of a struggle to color without destroying the line art. The result is below. The red one next to him is a place-holder for the second enemy which was supposed to be a swordfish.


But because these did not stand out enough from our blue background I had to change the blue one slightly again. I made some quick color and pattern concepts seen below. The three fish at the bottom right stood out the most. The one we chose to use was the striped one at the bottom right because it stood out the most without changing too much of the original.


After that, I also changed the red one a little bit as to not have it look too bland next compared to the blue one. Because the red fish follows the player around and chases them it felt better to have it stand out too. You can see the result below.


When the designs were done I had to alter the animation frames that Axel had made before. See below:



When all the designs were done I had to put them into our Unity project. First I made each of the fishes animations by dragging the images to the scene and saving them in our animation folder. Then I went into the enemy prefabs we already had and changed the sprite to the newly designed ones. Then lastly, I added each of the fish animator controller files into the animator controller in the prefab. The screenshot bellow is the prefab for the red enemy when it is turning left.


One thought on “Week 4 -Redrawing enemies

  1. Hi Elin!

    I appreciate all of the pictures you have included; they make it easier to keep track of the steps in your production, as well as showcases all the work you have put into the concept art. Also, being allowed a sneak-peak behind the scenes to see how an asset has changed overtime is something I find really exciting, and something this post does very well.

    I think you are very clear in the what, the how and the why. Personally, I find the why the most interesting, and wouldn’t mind reading more about the reasoning behind each step. That is the only improvement I would like to suggest: expand upon your reasoning behind some of the design decisions. It is hard to give examples, since I haven’t been part of the process. However, if there were any decisions based on color theory, or wanting to keep a consistent theme, or something similar, I would have enjoyed learning about it.

    Thank you for sharing some of your work!
    //Hanna, Team Leviathan


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