Week 1 – Making bubbles


I work in the group Quetzalcoatl and we picked the game concept Selfish. In that game, the player character is a fish in an aquarium with a gun. A “bubble gun” to be specific. I was tasked with making the concept for the bubbles for said gun.

The image above was made by me 2 weeks ago. The bubbles over the middle of the image were made in PaintTool SAI but it was hard for me to make them look good so I switched to Photoshop and made the bubbles at the bottom of the picture which I am more pleased with.

I tried to make as many different combinations as possible. I drew different size of line art around the bubbles and I also made the line art in different colors. I also painted several different highlights to see which would look best. The bubbles on the bottom right are concepts I made for bubbles that could perhaps be added in the background of the aquarium if we get time to add them.

The background is blue so I could picture what they would look like in the water of the aquarium. But, I made everything on separate layers so that I can easily remove the background and make the bubbles into sprites if we want to use them in the game.


Early on in our sprint meetings, we discussed having the enemy fish shooting bubbles back at the player. So, along with the player’s bubble concept I also made a bubble concept for the enemies’.

I thought that the bubbles should be similar to the player’s but slightly different so that you could tell a difference between them. The bubbles on the left on the picture above I copied from the player bubble concept PSD file and changed the colors and the highlights.

As you can see most of the bubbles are either reddish or with a red line art. I chose to paint them like that so they could stand out from the blue/green background but also to differentiate them from the player’s. Some of the bubbles are also darker, I thought it would look good for them to be the opposite of the lighter bubbles the player shoots. But in my opinion, they ended up looking like oil drops instead.